I was immediately impressed with its easy-to-navigate, simple site design and the fast loading flash animation that they are using. But the site is more than that.
Kindersay is a web-based program designed to help preschoolers (Ages 1 to 4) learn English words. Over 500 words, images and English-speaking videos are featured in their interactive "Word Shows".

Kindersay.com also appropriately focuses on teaching toddlers in learning new objects, reading numbers and letters, and the right pronunciation of words. The site’s main learning function is free of charge with the option to upgrade. When you choose to upgrade, you can:
* add images of your family such as mom, dad, brother, sister
* add words your child likes or needs to learn to favourites
* your own word show using only your favorites words

My son loves Kindersay.com that he even calls the girl on the website his teacher. I would highly recommend this site to parents who want their children to start learning at an early age.
“An excellent job by Webmosis, the creator of Kindersay.com”
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